Seadogs of Nassau is an immersive open world pirate game set in the age of sail where you payoff informants, find shipping lanes, and hunt down merchants, all while keeping your bounty down.

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Developer Blog #6 Mutiny and Marooning
Hello, Sea dogs! Welcome to another weekly Seadogs of Nassau Devlog. In our previous devlog, we talked about Crews, how they are recruited, and what they offer to the player. In this devlog, we are going to take a look at some other important features of the game:...

Developer Blog # 5 Crews
Hello, Sea dogs! Welcome to another weekly Seadogs of Nassau Devlog. In our previous devlog, we talked about how to form and manage a fleet and just...

Developer Blog #4 Fleet
Hello, Sea dogs! Welcome to the weekly Seadogs of Nassau Devlog. In our previous Devlog, we talked about all the different types of ships and how...

Developer Blog #3 Ships
Hello, Sea dogs! Welcome to the weekly Seadogs of Nassau Devlog. In our previous Devlog, we talked about what ports are and how they work in Seadogs...
What is Seadogs of Nassau?
Seadogs of Nassau is a single-player sandbox style pirate role-playing game with strategic elements. That’s quite a mouthful, though, so here’s what it boils down to – sail around with your highly customizable fleet, explore, build stuff, blow stuff up, advance your crew and ship. The goal is to give you lots of meaningful choices in a malleable world.
What will the strategic gameplay be like?
You start small, with only one ship. You have a few ways to progress in your career- build up your personal ship, make money through missions, bounties, smuggling, and scavenging, expand your fleet by overtaking and commanding 13 different ship types, enhanced with assorted ammo cannon and other upgrades.